Wednesday 2 November 2011

A bed

A bed is a large piece of furniture (or a location) used as a place to sleep, relax, or engage in sexual relations.

Most modern beds consist of a mattress on a bed frame, with the mattress resting either on a solid base, often wooden slats, or a sprung base. In North America many beds include a box spring inner-sprung base, a large mattress-sized box containing wood and springs that provide additional support and suspension for the mattress.

Most beds have a headboard for resting against, with others also having side rails and footboards.
Headboard only beds often incorporate a dust ruffle, bed skirt, or valance sheet to hide the bed frame.

For greater head support, most people use a pillow, placed at the top of a mattress. Also used is some form of covering blanket to insulate the sleeper, often bed sheets, a quilt, or a duvet, collectively referred to as bedding. Bedding is the removable non-furniture portion of a sleeping environment. A bed can be thought of as a body, and the bedding its clothing.

Also, some people prefer to dispense with the box spring and bed frame, and replace it with a platform bed style. This is more common in Europe, Australia and Japan.Wiki

How great is a bed to lie on when exhausted after a long day. I wouldn't be too keen to lie each night on a hard floor or an uneaven piece of ground though I have done my fair share of camping. Perhaps camping has evn given me an appreciation for a soft bed especially with my beloved beside me- I think it's time for bed now!

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