Thursday 19 January 2012

My grandfathers and father- in -law who fought with the Allies

Today I've posted some photographs of my relatives who fought for freedom during the two World Wars. The first two are of my grandfather Moorhead who fought in both of them. In the first photograph it looks like he was a corporal in WW1 and a relatively old man in WW2. He was about 45 during WW2- I couldn't believe that such a realatively old man would be fighting on the front line. In WW1 he went off with four of his brothers and were known in Newry as 'the patrotic family'.

My grandfather Kenny fought in the Boer War in the medical division as well as WW1. In the first photograph he appears to be wearing a Russian uniform while he was a POW held by the Germans. Below are also his WW1 medals and dog tag. One story I heard about him was that he escaped several times from the Germans but was recaptured.

My Father- in -Law John Jackson was a young Army Captain in WW2. He served in Burma and the Far East. I'm really proud of them all and thankful what they did for those who would come after them.

John Moorhead as a young corporal in WW1

John Moorhead as a private in WW2

William Kenny WW1 POW

WW1 Medals and dog tag

Capt John G. Jackson

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