Saturday 8 October 2011

The Gift of Life.

Life can be hard for most of us. We will certainly have problems from time to time, bereavements, illnesses, money troubles, arguments with friends and enemies and work worries to name a few.Those who suffer severe depression often think that suicide is the only, and most logical way out, while their friends will quite rightly tell them that it is not as bad as they think and they have much to live for.

Steve Jobs had much to live for and had fame, more money than a person could possibly spend in a life time as well as having a loving family. But he is no longer alive. He is no longer with us on earth, his life is over while we you are alive at this moment. We are now better off than even the wealthy Steve Jobs. We are better off all the deceased that ever lived-better off than Shakespeare, Henry the eighth, Plato, Columbus, Einstein, Churchill, Buddha, Gandhi, Dickens. We are ALIVE! Hallelujah:We can therefore be thankful that we are alive today and that God has a definite purpose for our life.

Let us not therefore waste it on mediocrity and pray that the will of the maker of all will be done in our life!

Thy Kingdom come Thy will be done in my life today as it is in Heaven.

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