Sunday 9 October 2011

The Gift of Speech

Would a wonderful gift speech is! Through it we can communicate with God and man.We learn to speak at an early age with often 'mummy' or 'Daddy' being our first words before the selfish ones such 'mine' 'my' or 'I want' become more common. As a gift it can be used for good or evil: with it we can bless or curse.We can plot a murder or plan aid for a starving family.We can sing, we can shout, we can sing love songs or songs of hatred.Through speech we can ask for help and the Bible encourages us to call upon the Name of the Lord in such times.

If we lost our tongue and the power to communicate how poor we would we be. Jesus is described as the living Word because known God's will to us.To communicate with our fellow humans is a gift beyond compare but to communicate with our Maker, our Provider, our Saviour, Friend, Lover and Lord is greater by far. If we haven't spoken to God today, call upon Him now. If you feel unworthy, know that Christ came to seek and save all that were lost and that those who go to Him trusting in His mercy and grace He will never cast out.

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